Ara Factory

December 2023

You are beginning to know it : I hate the tags which are increasingly invading our dear wastelands. And not just in the wastelands either. I have to get used to it, since they are now almost everywhere. We are even starting to name places based on the tags found there, and more in relation to the place itself. Fortunately this wasn't a tag representing a puddle of vomit, we would have had a nice name. Long live vandalism...

Let's focus instead on this immense desolate place.
Dating from the 19th century, the site will end its life by housing a recycling factory. Before that, there was a sugar factory there. Speaking of which, we continue to be careful not to get diabetes, okay ?!
Quite large in size, the site is today made up of several large halls in poor condition, sometimes built with bricks, a metal frame, or even a wooden frame. Previously, there was a small castle at the entrance to the site (probably the director's house) as well as a bundle of internal railway tracks. The factory runs along a former NMBS line, and at the time, it wasn't uncommon for industrial sites to be connected to the rail.
Given the images found on the Internet, we can estimate that the abandonment took place in 2015. Since then, the site has been looted and vandalized but still remains pleasant to visit.

Note that a powerful and ingenious decoy prevented us from accessing the site via the main door. On the other hand, the exit could have been made through the same access. Sometimes you have to know how to bow to the genius of others.


Ara Factory

At first glance, nothing appealing.

Ara Factory

By the way, why Ara Factory ? Because !

Ara Factory

The oldest part.

Ara Factory

Everywhere, a precarious balance of the halls.

Ara Factory

For once a tag makes me smile…

Ara Factory

It's big !

Ara Factory


Ara Factory


Ara Factory

We noticed ! (“Free access”)

Ara Factory


Ara Factory

In the last hall, what I thought was, at first glance, a boat hull.

Ara Factory

It's in fact a silo whose base has been destroyed and which has collapsed.

Ara Factory

Shall we go up ?

Ara Factory

A beautiful industrial cathedral.

Ara Factory

We end with the friend of the one in image no. 2.


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