At the borders of madness... and oblivion.
Isolated from the city, this former asylum for women has closed its doors long ago.
Open to the four winds, its entrails are nothing but ruin and desolation.
Its internal organization has no logic : rooms of any size, a succession of large unknown purpose rooms, no special
protection against escape (we are in an asylum), etc. After all, can't a place that houses madness be a bit crazy ?
As the visit began, a woman came out of nowhere. Guaranteed feeling ! She wasn't an explorer ! She roamed there, in slippers,
among the rubble of what was perhaps her old place of life.
In the attic, another big surprise. I will not say more here, the images are sufficiently explicit.
This is my first urban exploration trip for about 13 years. It's weird but pleasant to find such sensations
My previous visits date back to the last centuryNote1.
The indispensables.
Open doors day.
The ultimate curtains of the asylum.
Windows with spiders.
The leprous wall.
Perfect for a restful rest.
The glass roof disemboweled.
Only a few doors have managed to keep their secrets intact.
In the attic.
In the devil's lair.
When madness rubs satanism.
Back to "normality".
Nature wants to take back possession of the place.
The latest intact fluorescent tubes.
View of the still occupied wing.
Let's leave this damn place...
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