Christ-Roi Church II

October 2010

Continuation and end of this small report on the church of Christ-Roi in Herseaux. This suite should have arrived much faster but various impediments have changed the initial schedule.
Either, the loop is complete and that's the main thing.

I wanted to explore the attic in detail but it was unfortunately impossible. The explanation is next to the only shot (completely failed... sorry) of these attics.
After my refusal to climb to the top of the scaffolding, here is my second mistake on the same site. They will not take me back anymore !

The visit was pleasant, Mr. Renard leaving me a total freedom in the building, while answering my questions. I thank him for it. In addition, he did not hesitate to mount again at the top of the bell towerNote to allow the realization of this shooting.


Christ-Roi Church II

The forecourt of the church, rue du Petit-Oudenaarde, the name of the neighborhood. Christmas decorations don't seem to want to take a vacation...

Christ-Roi Church II

Only one year was enough to build it. Time impossible to imagine nowadays...

Christ-Roi Church II

The bell tower rid of its metallic straitjacket.

Christ-Roi Church II

Although modest in size, the church has a feeling of space.

Christ-Roi Church II

The choir. The three arcades represent the Holy Trinity, also symbolized in the rosette by the three intertwined circles.

Christ-Roi Church II

The sun lighting the brick walls of the nave.

Christ-Roi Church II

The crossing. The darker panels correspond to repairs made following the damage caused by the great storm of the early 90s.

Christ-Roi Church II

Another view of the crossing. The large brick arches are in fact the reinforced concrete structure present throughout the building.

Christ-Roi Church II

The choir seen from the transept.

Christ-Roi Church II

Detail on the birth of a vault.

Christ-Roi Church II

The large window of the facade. On his left, the organ, regularly used.

Christ-Roi Church II

The nave against the light.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

The paschal candle.

Christ-Roi Church II

A side aisle. The church has the shape of a Greek cross, the nave is relatively short.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

Play of shadow and light.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

Stained glass windows Always very colorful, they were installed during the construction of the church.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

The winter chapel. A fire in the 70's damaged the vaults. A false ceiling now hides them.

Christ-Roi Church II

A Marian bas-relief above the door of the winter chapel.

Christ-Roi Church II

The plaque of the inauguration, the time when Herseaux was still part of the province of West Flanders.

Christ-Roi Church II

The tabernacle. It's made of repoussé copper.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

The arches of the vaults form the skeleton of the building.

Christ-Roi Church II

The top of the vaults. Paneling should have filled the caissons. Instead, wooden panels were placed there. What was provisional became definitive.

Christ-Roi Church II

The only image of the height. My dizziness, the narrowness of the place, and lack of railing prevented me from going further. A wrong move here and we crash 20 meters below.

Christ-Roi Church II

Arrival in the hall of bells... where there is only one. The belfry is in I-Beams.

Christ-Roi Church II

The bell is tinged by the hammer (right) to mark the hours while she leaves on the fly (the steering wheel is visible on the left) for special occasions.

Christ-Roi Church II

Signature of the bell : "FR SERGEYS M FONDUE A LOUVAIN EN 1937". Fernand-François Sergeys was part of a foundry dynasty of the early twentieth century around 1979. The Sergeys bells are found throughout the country.

Christ-Roi Church II

Wire mesh (visible from the outside in the first part of this report). The amount of guano in the tower is very small. Some corpses of pigeons have nevertheless been found.

Christ-Roi Church II

The reinforced concrete structure of the tower. It is found on each floor. Obviously, the concrete begins to age a little. Above, we find ourselves in the spire.

Christ-Roi Church II

The wood-frame of the spire. Just restored, it is in impeccable condition.

Christ-Roi Church II


Christ-Roi Church II

The mysterious inscription on the wood-frame. Perhaps the signature of a carpenter, it was made of slate's nails.

Christ-Roi Church II

End of the visit.



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