Château Jeanne d’Arc

April 2021

The name of this place is a clever pun, isn't it. Hahaha
Once there, this name is however justified. Of the beautiful late 19th century mansion, only one charred ruin remains. Yet, if we venture inside, we can still find an intact room and a beautiful bedroom, where the atmosphere must have been scorching.

Needless to say, the place is extremely dangerous and there is little that can bring down walls that only hold on by a miracle.


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc


Château Jeanne d’Arc



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