To end this day, and after a long detour, there is the visit of an abandoned school.
Forgotten in a suburb, this vast site is called to reborn soon.
The establishment, which closed its doors since more than one lustrum, is composed of an old manor house and modern buildings
(for the time !). If some are securely closed, others let themselves visit a little easier.
In the basement of one of them, a thud is still disturbing the silence: we just forgot to cut the boilers! Turning all over the place,
needless to say, it was particularly hot throughout the building.
At a time of energy savings, we have here a magnificent example of good management. One more time...
Before the fall of the leaves, there is the fall of the ceilings.
Attention danger !
A little coffee ?
“Heating table”. Useless accessory here !
The gym, adjoining the class-rooms.
Condition : perfect !
We forget intimacy...
The boiler furnance. End of the journey.
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